It's always nice when dinner left overs work for bentos too! This week Elle had leftovers in every lunch:
Wednesday she had 2 leftover perogies a piece of fruit leather rolled up, a babybell cheese, and two mini paper cups with chocolate roasted almonds, & golden raisins. The red screw top container had sour cream in it to dip her perogies in.
Thursday was leftover corn bread, sweet gerkins pickles, almonds, a babybell cheese (with *smooch written on it in sharpie), fruit gummies, and a fruit leather ribbon with mini marshmallows on a peguin pick.Friday Elle had left over coconut shrimp with mango sauce in the little red container to dip it in. Carrots, fruit and nut trail mix, and ritz crackers with pepperoni, & cheese rounds. The little silver bit is a vitamin C chew. The Hello Kitty container had ranch dressing to dip her carrots in.
So I thought this was funny... Elle and I had this conversation one afternoon this week after school Elle: Mom, one of my friends at school said she wants you to pack her a bento. Me: Oh, really? Why do you think she wants me to pack her a bento? Elle: She said it was because I get so much candy all the time in my bento, but I told her "no I don't! Only the chocolate on my almonds is bad for me, everything else is healthy and helps me grow big and strong and get smarter every day!"
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