Thursday, November 29, 2007

Elements by Dawn – Texture, Pattern, Color, Form

All things guitar related have a special place in my heart. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of my Dad strumming his guitar and singing songs I would later learn were by greats like James Taylor & Neil Diamond. I heard my Dad sing them first though, and prefer his version over some of the originals. Although Guitar Hero for PS2 is the closest I’ve come to playing myself, one of my brothers has played for years now too and listening to him and my Dad play their guitars when my family gets together is always a special treat.

So I definitely had to choose the piece below from the Elements by Dawn Etsy shop for this feature.

This fun and lightweight bracelet is comprised of alternating white and dark grey genuine Fender® Celluloid guitar picks and Sterling Silver.

This and other of Dawn’s pieces reflect her interest in pattern and texture. Her designs take on movement and tactile interest. Her fondness of circles, spheres, disks, and symmetry is expressed throughout her designs.

I also found these other guitar related items by various Etsy artists:


Giftbearer said...

That is a very unique bracelet you featured of Dawn's. She has some neat jewelry.

Amanda said...

OH fond memories! :) Great feature!!

Elements by Dawn said...

Thanks for the feature! Rock on!

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