Our room was a disaster area! Seriously our clothes were out of control!! I was so over living out of laundry baskets, we decided it was worth the money to rearrange our room and install an Ikea wardrobe. We spent an entire weekend putting together the Pax wardrobe... it took a Saturday evening until 3am and the majority of a Sunday to complete. The part I want to tell you about though is how we modified it to accommodate an electrical outlet and gave me the ability to charge my phone and iPad.
We used a rotary saw to cut away the cabinet around the outlet that was behind the wardrobe.

Next we cut a hole in the side between to two cabinets of the wardrobe and hot glued a curtain grommet to each side of the rough cut hole.

Then all we had to do was mount a power strip on the inside of the wardrobe and plug all my chargers in.

Now my clothes are all hung neatly in their place, shoes nestled on their slide out rack, iPad softly displays the time, and my precious (a.k.a. iPhone)charges all night while I sleep peacefully.

It was a happy day when I was able to wrangle my clothes and shoes and relinquish the closet to my Doug! Good thing because cleaning up this mess was a giant pain!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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