Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Your Way Wednesday

Dear Blogger (or blogspot... whatever you call yourself... I'm still sorta confused by that),
Why do you torment me so?!  I depend on you multiple times a week to make my blog posts pretty and easy to read.  I'm a faithful follower of so many of your bloggers, I read and read and read... I've done my part, please do yours!  Please allow me to leave comments on the blogs I read.  Please allow me to import more than one picture into my blog posts without jacking everything up and forcing me to exit and return to the compose window.  And pretty please allow my most favorite people, my readers, to leave me a comment!  I promise to love you forever or move to wordpress... just let me know.... k?
Now that that's over with, let's get on with Your Way Wednesday.  As you may have guessed from the above little note, I couldn't leave comments for some of you who left links on last week's Your Way Wednesday.  So I apologize, but unless you use the pop-up comment form style or are on a service other than Blogger, I couldn't leave you a comment (apparently some of my readers were having the same problem which is why I switched back to the pop-up format).  But that won't stop me from showing you all my favorite link:

Rhinestone Beagle linked up this reusable snack baggie.  If you've been following along, you know I make bento lunches for my pre-schooler so you may not be surprised that I picked this little gem to show you this week.  But it's not just in line with the whole waist-free lunch "thing" it also uses fusible vinyl which is so fun!
On to Your Way Wednesday for this week!
Crafting is my way to relieve stress & stretch my creative muscles.

Sewing is my way to have some uninterrupted time to myself.

Bentos are my way to show Elle I'm thinking about her.

Parties are my way to love on my girls & our friends

Tutorials show my way of making this or that.

I want to see your way! I'm really excited to give you an opportunity to do just that with a link party!

Only two rules for you:

•Add my lovely "Your Way Wednesday" button to your blog or blog post that you link up to
•Please link directly to your blog post, not a giveaway, your link party, your Etsy shop, or even just the home page of your blog.

In exchange for following the rules, I'll leave a comment on your blog post (if I'm able! Do you think someone from Blogger will actually read that... how sweet would that be?!) & if you're my favorite post I'll feature you on my blog for my next Your Way Wednesday.



~K @ VintageSkye said...

Thanks for hosting!
I know what you mean about blogger. I was having some troubles for a while this week. So frustrating! I linked up #1 and #2

Rhinestone Beagle said...

OMG Thanks so much for the feature, Stacey. We linked up again this week. Im off to check out your bento lunches. Go Green!

Art Kat said...

That is why I never upload to blogger directly lol...I always share images after they have been placed somewhere like my shop :)

Feel free to share your creation on Saturdays with my blogs. Thanks!

BindiM said...

Thank you to the link to the reusable snack bags. It is just what I was looking for!

Jess said...

I love your blog. I shared the same frustrations with blogger so when a buddy told me about Live Writer I was super excited to check it out. It's a free download you can find here, http://explore.live.com/windows-live-writer?os=other
you can upload as many pics as you want to one blog post and it's much faster. It'll post to whatever host you have for your blog. Maybe you could check it out and see if it would work for you.

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