Oh you lucky lucky Floridians, Atomic is coming! Atomic Holiday Bazaar is the best thing going for unique handmade goodness and it's this weekend in Sarasota! I'll be at the Saturday day show, so come by to say hello and pick up an Elle Belle sling (I'm debuting new embroidery designs!) for the new Mommy or Mommy-to-be on your Christmas list! If you let me know you follow my blog and can tell me what my last post was about I'll have a sweet treat for you.
There'll be so many amazing crafters and artists at the show... I'm looking forward to seeing some of my favorites from our local crowd:
I'm thinking pocket peeper stockings are on my girl's Christmas list's this year!
The Crafty Hag's mini notes would be the perfect addition to gifts this year!
I always drool over the Sew It's For You sushi embroidery designs!
Boogie Bead has so much more than just beads... you can check out her Boogie Baby goodies at Atomic!
You'll find great stuff even for the guys on your list, like Patrick's amazing wooden pens!
Don't miss Atomic, it's the best place to finish up your Christmas shopping!
I cant wait to see everyones new goodies this year! (And see you!) It will rock!