A good friend of mine just celebrated a birthday. I make her kiddos handmade gifts for all their special days and I know she appreciates it (I can tell by the mile long list she has for me of "future projects to make... you know just in case you can't think of anything") but it's harder to come up with something for an adult. So I was really excited when I had the idea to make a camera strap cover for her fancy shmancy camera!
Here's what you'll need:
2 pieces of fusible fleece cut to 2 1/2" x 24"
2 fabrics cut to 3 1/4" x 25"
ribbon or trim... some sort of embellishment
- press all 4 short sides of the fabric 1/4", then fold over and press another 1/4" and sew
- Fuse a fleece strip down the center of the wrong sides of each of the fabric strips
- Press the long sides of the fabric around the fusible fleece
- Make a ruffle with fabric or ribbon or sew some pre-made trim down the center of the right side of one of the strip
- With wrong sides together, pin the strips together, tucking the raw edges in, and sew 1/4" from the edge down each long side, leaving the short ends open.
So now I'm thinking about whether anyone on my Christmas list has a fancy shmancy camera... I may be out of luck though, so I'll have to come up with more ideas for handmade gifts for adults. Do you have any suggestions?

That is the best dressed camera ever! LOVE it! :) For the adults on my list this year I am making my mom and sis in law dish towels, oven mitts and large fabric covered bulletin boards. I'm making my dad homemade biscuits and a "chocolate peanut butter gravy" (it's a southern thing his mom used to make.). I plan on making a label out of an old black and white pic of my grandma for the jar of gravy. Hubby's getting the year of date nights. I really want to make some homemade granola and try my hand at canning pickles....LOTS of homemade goodies on my to do list :)
That's so cute! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
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