Monday, June 21, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday!  We started our morning off with a muffin tin breakfast:

No theme really, just Elle's special requests for breakfast... cinnamon sugar toast, blueberries, cherries, fig newtons, and whipped cream for the fruit.  I didn't have much of a plan for this one at all, but while she was eating it she said "Mommy I really like how you put all the crunchy things in blue cups, all the sweet things in pink, and the fruits in yellow"... that's so Elle, always praising, always appreciative, and always looking for order :) 

Check out Muffin Tin Mom for lots more muffin tin fun from today and to join in if you'd like!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You can create a pattern without planning it. I am so glad she noticed your pattern.

Lisa said...

Great tin!!

Karie said...

I think I'll try this with Ava tomorrow! I think she'll get a kick out of it :)

Jenny said...

Smart girl!

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